据路透社3月11日奥斯陆报道,石油巨头康菲公司已决定取消其170亿克朗(合21亿美元)的挪威北海Tommeliten Alpha天然气和凝析油开发项目。
挪威石油管理局此前曾表示,该油田于1977年被发现,搁置开发长达数十年,2014年许可证持有者决定将Tommeliten Alpha项目与Ekofisk complex平台进行捆绑,预计在2016年初将提交一份开发计划。
Tommeliten Alpha项目股东包括挪威国家石油公司(42.4%)、康菲石油(28.3%)、道达尔公司(20.2%)与埃尼公司(9.1%)。
詹乐乾 摘译自路透社,2015-3-11
ConocoPhillips calls off $2.1 bln Norwegian North Sea project
(Reuters) - Oil major ConocoPhillips has decided to cancel its 17 billion crown ($2.1 billion) Tommeliten Alpha gas and condensate development in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.
Discovered in 1977 and dormant for decades, the licence decided in 2014 to tie Tommeliten Alpha into the Ekofisk complex, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate said earlier.
They were expected to submit a development plan in early 2016.
Shareholders in Tommeliten Alpha include Statoil (42.4 percent), ConocoPhillips (28.3 percent), Total (20.2 percent) and Eni 9.1 percent